General Allocation Policy
The following general policies and preferences apply when allocating your child a place with Hills Montessori School.
Requirements of Department of Education and NESA
- Four-year-olds on or before 31st July.
- Aboriginal children turning 3 on or before 31st July.
- Children from low-income families holding a current Health Care Card from the age of 3 on or before 31st July.
- Siblings of children who attended Hills Montessori School for the full three years.
- Siblings of children currently enrolled.
- Children attending the Parent/Toddler Program for a minimum of 2 full terms.
- Siblings of children who attended Hills Montessori School for less than three years.
- Transfers from other Montessori schools.
- Maintaining an age and sex balance in the groups.
- Wait list as per the chronological order of enrolment.
Class Placements for Preschool Only
Placement of the child in the Preschool Program is based on availability rather than a specific classroom.
Classroom allocations are decided by the Head of School and are advised at the time of notification of the commencement date. Consideration is given to balancing age, sex, and other criteria determining allocations. The School Board supports the Head of School in reserving the right to amend any of these allocations up to the commencement date.
Siblings of children attending will be placed in a separate class to allow them the opportunity to develop their own independence.
Annual Reports
View our Policies
- Privacy Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Concerns & Grievances Policy
- Behavior Guidance Policy
- Procedure for Suspension and Expulsion
- Child-Safe Environment
- Anti-Bullying Policy
School policies are available from the school office.