Our History

Founded in 1979 by local parents seeking Montessori education for their children, the Hills Montessori Preschool has grown into a thriving community offering diverse programs for over 100 children in north-west Sydney.

1979 – Present

History of Hills Montessori School

The Hills Montessori Preschool and the Hills Montessori Society were founded by parents in north-west Sydney who wanted a local Montessori education for their children. They previously had to travel to Lindfield and Turramurra. Inspired by a meeting with parents from these areas and North Sydney, Bev White decided to start a new school in the north-west.

The preschool opened on 10th September 1979 with 23 children aged 3 to 6, divided into two groups attending morning or afternoon sessions. In 1980, an Extended Day class for 5-year-olds was introduced, enrolling 25 children.


The Hills Montessori Society

In March 1980, the Hills Montessori Society was established as a Company Limited by Guarantee. The first council included Nancye Elliott, Sue Kurtz, Janet Harris, Jeremy Miller, Sandy Stockwell, Bruce Wheatley, and Bev White.

The original premises were sold, necessitating a move. The school relocated to the Reorganised Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at Lot 5 Taylor Street, West Pennant Hills, where it remains today. A newsletter from August 1980 describes the new location as “a quiet outdoor environment with country air, sheep and geese on one side of the playground and a peacock on the other.” The move occurred during the September holidays.

Growth and Current Structure

We now have 116 pre-school students, 16 Kindergarten students and over 40 children and their parents in our Parent / Toddler program.

  • Full Day Classes: Brolgas, Lorikeets, and Cockatiels operate from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, with attendance options of 2, 3, or 5 days a week.
  • Half Day Program: The Kookaburra class runs from 8:30 am to 11:30 am, 5 days a week.

Our Kindergarten class is for children who turn 5 on or before 31st July, attending from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm, 5 days a week. This class is registered with the NSW Department of Education, and children typically transition to Year 1 the following year. We do not offer classes from Year 1 onwards.

Before & After Session Care is available for all families. Before Session Care starts at 7:30 am in the playground, and After Session Care is available until 4:30 pm in each classroom.

The Under 3’s Program operates 5 mornings a week during school terms.