Please join us for an Education Evening, Chih Chi Lee – “The Importance of Vision for Learning” on Monday, 5th September 7.30pm
Monday, 5
September 2016
From 7.30pm until 9.00pm (approx.)
Chih Chi Lee is a reputable Behavioural Optometrist specialising in the development of children’s vision. Vision therapy provides the stimulation and environment required for the individual to develop certain visual skills that will maximise with visual and learning performance. Vision therapy is specifically directed towards resolving visual problems which interfere with reading, learning and educational instructions. At Chih-Chi Lee Behavioural Optometrist, Chih Chi uses a holistic approach in assessing and treating any visual complaints or learning problems. She does not just limit herself by simply checking eyesight, Chih Chi also assesses visual skills and gives consideration on how your eyes function together as a team and how your brain processes the information received from your visual system.
Invitation is extended to the community free of charge. If you have family or friends that would like to attend, please forward the invitation to them.
Please click here to complete the form and return to school by Friday, 2nd September. or email;