January 8, 2020

Extended Day Term 1 Week 2


Extended Day Term 1 Week 2

The children have settled in really well and are finding their feet within the classroom. This week we are talking about 2D and 3D shapes and are concentrating hard on writing our names with only a capital letter at the beginning and the rest lower case. If you could also reinforce this at home that would be great. Many of the children spoke about seeing a 3D movie and how it was different to a 2D one. We are also learning about book conventions such as front cover, title page. blurb etc. News presentations have also been really informative. During news time the children learn to speak in front of their peers, project their voices so they can be heard, listen to their friends and ask relevant questions. These skills are important for children to gain and gives them confidence as well. If you have any questions regarding Extended day please do not hesitate to see me.


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