January 8, 2020

Home Environment Police Visit and Community Week


The Rosella class joined Home Environment recently for a visit from Trevor the policeman. Trevor engaged the children, talking in simple terms about keeping safe. This including talking about stranger danger, the importance of wearing a helmet when riding a bike or scooter and choosing safe places to ride. Trevor also entertained the children with a fun story about a robber breaking into the hall and stealing the clock! 

At the beginning of Trevor’s visit some children were nervous being near a policeman but by the end of the visit Trevor had achieved his aim of reassuring the children that the police are helpers in our community, not people to be afraid of. Trevor received high 5’s from all the children as he left, including those children who were nervous at the start.

Thank you Trevor for your entertaining and informative visit.  


In the week following Trevor’s visit, we talked about other people in the community who help us. We talked about the police, fire brigade, doctors, dentists and vets, all the people who help us when we are sick or have an emergency but we also talked about farmers who grow food for us to eat and chefs who cook delicious food we like to eat on special occasions! The children took turns locating police stations, fire stations, hospitals and shops on the map of our local area and they practiced ringing 000 to call the police, ambulance or fire brigade.


On Thursday the children became pizza chefs. They enjoyed rolling the dough to create their pizza base then spreading the tomato paste over their base and sprinkling cheese on top. They waited patiently as the pizzas cooked and filled the hall with their delicious aroma! They really enjoyed eating them with their friends for afternoon tea.


On Friday, after reading about all the jobs a farmer does, the children planted basil seeds. The children will nurture their seeds over the coming weeks, remembering the seeds need water, sun and soil to grow.



Throughout the week the children also enjoyed puzzles, books and craft projects relating to our ‘community’ theme.’






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