January 8, 2020

Kookaburra Class


News from Kookaburra Class

Wow we are already half way through term 4 and this term we have welcomed Sarah Joung and her family back to Hills. Sarah has settled in very well to the program and has had some big extended day people willing to help her out.


We are also enjoying many outdoor activities due to the lovely weather. Bird feeding has become a favourite as the birds are now tame enough to eat out of the children’s hands. It is lovely to watch.


At group time we are exploring poetry. The children really enjoy all the poems we have been learning and here are a few favourites:


The elephant walks like this and that,

He’s terribly big and terribly fat,

He has no fingers and he has no toes,

But goodness gracious what a nose.

What do you suppose?

What do you suppose?

A bee sat on my nose.

Then what do you think?

He gave me a wink, and said “I beg your pardon, I thought you were the garden”.




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