January 8, 2020

Kookaburras Term Three


Welcome Back to Term Three

Welcome back I hope you all had a nice relaxing holiday break. I managed a day at the zoo, a trip to the city on the bus and many park trips. The weather was definitely on our side during the break.

This term we have welcomed Claudia and Raphael to our class. Claudia has moved up from our Under 3’s group and has settled in really well to the class environment. Raphael has also settled in really well and is enjoying his time in the classroom.


At group time we have been talking about the human body and the five senses. We discussed how our senses send messages to our brains. We talked about different tastes, smells, sounds, textures and sights.

We also learnt how to sing “galumph went the little green frog” using sign language. We also learnt how to sign please and thank you.

Many of you may ask yourselves the question “what does my child do all day while at Montessori ?”. You may not see a great deal of work come home, or the things coming home is craft related activities. A great deal of the work your child does within the classroom, is using the equipment that can’t be brought home. Next week I’m going to bring you “A day in the life of a Montessori child” so please stayed tuned to find out exactly what happens here in a day.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


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