Extended Day News
It has been a while since my last blog about what has been happening in Extended Day, so get ready because so much has happened. On Wednesday 26th February we held our Extended Day High Tea for our mums. We made orange muffins and got to serve our mums for the afternoon. We set the table and made everything look beautiful. A lovely time was had by all.
We also went on our first excursion to the local park. This excursion incorporated our road safety unit of work. We stopped at the kerb, looked both ways, listened and then walked safely across the road. We looked at different road signs along the way and decided what they might mean. We had our lunch at the park and then we got to play on the equipment. We also saw where Carol lived and she surprised us with an ice block. We were very tired on the way back to school.
We also had a visit from Tofu, Anushka’s dog. He came along to class to help us with our pet safety unit. We now know how to approach a dog, what to do if we want to pat him and then to wash our hands when we are done. We also learnt how to stand if we are ever approached by an angry dog. A big thank you to Nupur for bringing Tofu in for the afternoon.