School Blog

Take a behind-the-scenes look at a typical day in our classrooms, where curiosity and creativity flourish in a supportive, structured environment.

Making sorbet

Making Sorbet At the beginning of the year Zach Ngyuen’s family kindly donated a new ice creamer maker to the school. Last Friday the Rosella class made orange sorbet for an afternoon treat. The children enjoyed the whole process of juicing,…

Kookaburra’s Week 7

Wrapping Paper and Cards The Kookaburra and Extended Day classes have been hard at work making the wrapping paper and cards to sell at next weeks Christmas Stall. The whole experience provides an opportunity for children to see the process…

Melbourne Cup in Home Environment

Melbourne Cup in Home Environment             It was a busy afternoon in Home Environment on Melbourne Cup Day. We began the festivities by baking horseshoe cookies. The children measured and mixed the ingredients then formed the dough into…

Home Environment Science Experiments

Home Environment Science Experiments In weeks 2 and 3 of Term 4, the children in Home Environment observed and participated in a range of science experiments. The experiments included tea bag rockets, blowing up balloons with carbon dioxide and creating…

Rosellas Christmas Card Making

Making Christmas cards The Rosellas enjoyed an afternoon putting the finishing touches to their hand-made Christmas cards. Each card is indiviually crafted by the children and have individual touches on all of them. Please support the extended day children by…

Rosellas Treasure Hunt

To farewell the children who are moving onto ‘big school’ next year the Rosellas had a special afternoon get together after school the children had a treasure hunt. The children and parents had a fun time trying to find all…

making Christmas cards to sell for the Extended Day Stall

Making Christmas Cards The children in both the Brolgas and Rosella classroom excitedly made Christmas cards to sell. The children were involved in tracing the shapes, cutting them out, and folding the cards. Don’t forget to bring your money on the 27th…

christmas stall

Extended Day Christmas Stall Starting on Wednesday 27th November and until sold out the Extended Day children will be selling Christmas products that have been made by all of the children of Hills Montessori. There will be hand made paper…

Kookaburra Class

News from Kookaburra Class Wow we are already half way through term 4 and this term we have welcomed Sarah Joung and her family back to Hills. Sarah has settled in very well to the program and has had some…

Thank You!!

World Teacher’s Day A huge thank you to all of the parents who provided a wonderfully delicious lunch for all of the teachers last Friday. It was fabulous to try some new exotic dishes such as lamb and lentil rissoles,…