School Blog

Take a behind-the-scenes look at a typical day in our classrooms, where curiosity and creativity flourish in a supportive, structured environment.

Brolgas term 4

Term 4 Welcome back everyone and especially to our new children and families starting this term. The new children- Elodyn, Alisha and Katrina have settled beautifully into the program and quickly learning the routines of the program.                     …

Thank You Linda

Blog Training A great big thank you to Linda who generously gave up her time this afternoon to help train the staff in IT. Hopefully we will be able to post our own blogs and do updates when needed. 

Becoming scientists…

When Dr. Maria Montessori designed the children’s environment she wanted to offer the children the “keys to the world”… offering them a key to the greater world outside the walls of our classrooms as well as the ‘keys’ to the…

Chubby Little Snowman

Group time: Our favourite song in the Kookaburra class at the moment is called “Chubby Little Snowman” here are the words so you can sing along with your children. “Chubby Little Snowman” Chubby little snowman, had a carrot nose Along…

More Dinosaurs

Programming of activities in Home Environment is based on the children’s interests. As last week’s dinosaurs were so popular, we continued the dinosaur theme for another week. Creating dinosaurs from play dough continued to extend the children’s imagination and the…


Last week, some of the Home Environment children told Narelle and I that painting is their favourite activity. So this week, we brought out the paints, paper, smocks, brushes and other painting mediums and watched as the children stretched their…

Welcome back to Term 3 – Dinosaurs

We hope all our families enjoyed their holiday breaks. Our theme for our first week in Home Environment this term was very popular with both the boys and the girls – dinosaurs. The children worked beautifully together creating a dinosaur…

Introducing Baby Oliver!

Hello Everyone! The time has come to happily announce the arrival of our little bundle. Baby Oliver arrived 2 weeks early on 2 July, weighing 3.69 kg and 52 cms long. It was a very quick delivery (2.5 hrs!) and…

Kindergarten High Tea

On Thursday 20th February, Kindergarten held their annual High Tea for their parents. They were involved in the whole process from baking the scones and muffins to inviting their parent in and serving them. There is a great deal of…