School Blog

Take a behind-the-scenes look at a typical day in our classrooms, where curiosity and creativity flourish in a supportive, structured environment.

Montessori Australia Foundation eBulletin – June 2016

Keep up to date with the latest Montessori Australia Foundation news and events. IN THIS ISSUE: Congratulations to Galina Zenin AISNSW Governance Workshop for Montessori Schools Education Nation Surprise! The future of education looks a lot like Montessori Sara Brady…

Learning About The World – Globe

In the classroom it is very hands-on and children need to touch the ‘concrete materials’ before they understand many concepts in our world. One of the initial presentations in the cultural area of the classroom is the sandpaper globe. The…

Freedom of Movement

Freedom of Movement is one of the key factors in the Montessori Approach. This desire and need begins from birth; parents observe their newborn with deep fascination while watching their child figure out leg and arm movements, control of the…


WE ARE NOW MONTESSORI QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMME (MQAP) REGISTERED  We have been officially recognised as a centre that provides the highest possible quality of true Montessori education. Australia does not yet have a national programme for accrediting Montessori schools, however,…

Lorikeets – Group and Individual Work Time

The children are enjoying a balance between working alone and in small groups. When a child has chosen a task to work on alone, they require time to concentrate, process information and practice.  The other children are reminded to respect…

Kookaburras – Welcome Back

We welcome back our families from last year and trust you had a relaxed holiday. Our new 3 year old students are settling into the 3-6 programmes. We welcome Kayla Khoo (parents Suzanne & Alex), Joseph Mezher (parents Amanda &…

Songs for Nido & Under 3’s (Term 4)

Hello Everyone! It is lovely to be back and sharing group time stories and songs. Please find below some of the songs that I will be sharing this term for you to enjoy at home with your child. Remember that…

Extended Day and their culinary skills

Extended Day and their Culinary Skills Boy have we been doing some cooking in Extended Day over the past few weeks. For our topic on “food from different countries” we made pizzas and sushi in class. We made the pizza…