January 8, 2020

Term Two – Extended Day


What’s Happening This Term in Extended Day?

Well I am so glad you asked. We have such a fun filled busy term ahead of us.

I hope you have all noticed our new scarecrow in the garden that was built by our extended days. He is still yet to be named but we hope soon we will be able to post what the children have decided on.      


So far this term we have talked about hygiene and nutrition with the children making posters of food they should eat sometimes and food they should eat all the times. I found it very hard not to put chocolate on the “food we should eat all the time”, but the children made the decision that it should be on the “only sometimes” poster. We also planted some potatoes in the garden with the children predicting how many we might dig up when they are ready- 100 being the most. Wow what a lot of potato bake we can make with that many potatoes.

In week 3 we looked at Australia and week 4 we focused on Aboriginals. My family and heritage is coming up for week 5 and we look at each child’s family tree and the cultural backgrounds of the families.

We have planned an excursion in week 6 to tie in with our topic – Police and our friends in the community. We will be visiting Beecroft fire station and we are having a policeman come to the school on Friday. We also plan to discuss similarities and differences, our feelings and emotions and the production of food products.

In the math area we have discussed measurement and weights, numbers to 20, using tape measures, time and the clock and numbers in everyday life.

If you have any questions in regard to anything we are discussing please do not hesitate to contact me.


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