Welcome Back to Term Two in the Kookaburra Class
Well we have been truly blessed with the amazing weather we have been having over the past weeks, and the children really enjoy doing outside work. I’m sure it will hit all to soon and we will be wrapped up in our winter woollies remembering those lovely warm Autumn days.
This term we have welcomed 4 new students into our class and they are all settling in well. We welcome Noelle Nguyen and her parents Megan and Ky-Anh, Grace Wu and her parents Iris and Roc, Dante Philipp and his parents Stacey and Michael and Jared Tan and his parents Evelyna and Raymond. We hope you all enjoy your time at Hills.
During group time we have been talking about a variety of different topics that the children have been really interested in. We have investigated Antarctica and what it is like and what animals live there, we have talked about the fastest animals – cheetah (fastest land), black marlin (fastest sea) and the Peregrine falcon (fastest bird), and at present we are talking about space and planets.
Friday is a special day at group time for many of the children because it’s “Dance Day”. So far we have learnt the chicken dance, the hokey pokey, the Macarena and the Nutbush. Then we have a freestyle section which the children have been “bustin a move” to gangman style and the happy song. We have some great dancers in the class.
It was great to see you all in last terms parent/teacher conferences to discuss the achievements your children have made. If I didn’t get a chance to see you last term and you would like a chat please feel free to let me know and we can organise a time.
Carol and I look forward to another great term with you and your children.